Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1. My sister and oldest niece are stuck in Germany :( They went on a 10 day field trip for school and they are now stuck there because of the volcano cloud. Good news is they have reopened the airports and they should be home in 2-3 days.

2. My parents are coming tomorrow and will be here until mid May. We have the MS Walk this weekend, my sister's triathlon next weekend and then my 30th birthday the weekend after that!!

3. I can't believe that I am going to be 30 in 19 days....WOW!! I am looking forward to moving into another decade :)

4. I have gotten Ashley into running! We try to go running together at least 2x a week. Its fun running with him and I love that we have something else in common and like to do together :)

5. I am no longer am employee of my sister's store, Padoodles. With my job at Duke, I no longer have the mornings to run errands like I did when I was a nanny and honestly, I was burned out. It will be nice to have every Saturday and Sunday off!!

6. I love getting to work by 7:30. No one is there and I enjoy the peace and quiet until people get there. Plus I get to leave by 4:30! Its so nice being home by 5, I get so much more done at home :)

7. I have lost 7.5 pounds since starting at Duke 2 months ago and all my work pants are big on me. Its hard finding something to wear everyday. I will definitely be taking my pants to the tailor once I lose 3 more pounds.

8. My goal is to lost by last 3 pounds by my birthday. That's in 19 days, I should be able to do it!

9. My mom is taking me shopping for my birthday on May 7th....CAN'T WAIT!!!!

10. I hope my parents like it here A LOT so they will look for a place to live and move here :)