Friday, November 28, 2008

I'm Thankful

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I did! I spent the day with Zach and his family in Mooresville, NC and it was a great day! We hung out, cooked, ate lots of yummy food and the guys played football outside. Zach, his mom and I went to see Four Christmases and it was a great movie! It was nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of Raleigh for the day and enjoy good food, friends and family. Even though this has been a year of few ups and many downs, I am thankful for everyone in my life. I am blessed with great friends, a wonderful family and most of all my health and happiness. I hope everyone realizes that you should never take anything for granted and to always appreciate what you have for it could be gone tomorrow. Believe me, that has been the one lesson I have learned repeatedly throughout the past year and will keep with me for the rest of my days.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Weekend Recap

I had a good weekend. I actually had a 3 day weekend, well sort of anyway. On Friday, I went to my nieces' school to do my data collection for my project on Eating Habits of Elementary Aged Children in Wake County, North Carolina. It was nice to eat lunch with my nieces (I didn't eat, I just sat with them while they ate), meet their teachers and some of their friends. Then my sister asked me if I could work at the store for a few hours and I said I would. Then I ran a few errands and came home and chilled. I worked Saturday at the store too and afterwards I went to Melissa and Denny's house for dinner. It was nice to meet some of their friends and catch up with old ones too. Of course the food was absolutely delicious as always. Melissa made 3 kinds of chili, beer and cheese bread and Pumpkin Pecan Pie. It was all very yummy and I am glad I went:) Yesterday, I did some much needed cleaning around the house, went for a 6 mile run and made some tacos for dinner. All in all it was a great weekend:)

Tonight, I am making double chocolate brownies and peppermint bark to take to the Reff's house for Thanksgiving. YUM! Let's hope I don't eat it all before I leave on Wednesday!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Internship Project

Below is the project I will be working on for my internship!

14 local health departments receive $2 million in funding for obesity prevention projects

RALEIGH - Fourteen community grants to enhance existing efforts to reduce obesity have been awarded to county health departments across the state, the N.C. Division of Public Health announced today.

Childhood Obesity Prevention Project grants went to five counties. The Division awarded $380,000 each to the Cabarrus, Dare, Henderson and Moore county health departments, and to the Appalachian District Health Department for work focusing on Watauga County.

Another $150,000 was divided among nine other health departments and health districts for smaller projects in support of the Eat Smart, Move More North Carolina movement. Those were chosen from 43 applications from local health departments aiming to increase opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity in their respective communities.

The five Childhood Obesity Prevention Project counties will use their grants for strategies proven to prevent childhood obesity that support the Eat Smart, Move More: North Carolina's Plan to Prevent Overweight, Obesity and Other Chronic Diseases. Each will run a comprehensive public awareness campaign in conjunction with existing county bicycle and pedestrian plans, as well as programs in preschools and child care centers, pediatrics practices, YMCAs, hospitals, schools and the faith community.

"We have never had the opportunity in North Carolina to bring together all our childhood obesity prevention programs and resources in one, much less four communities," said Dr. Marcus Plescia, section chief for chronic disease prevention with the N.C. Division of Public Health. "We hope the concentrated efforts in these communities will begin to move the needle on the scale of childhood obesity back to a more healthy weight and activity pattern."

"We will be evaluating these efforts very closely to ensure their success and to learn what we need to know in order to expand obesity prevention efforts to other counties in the future," Plescia said.

The nine smaller Eat Smart Move More grants went to local health departments in the following counties and health districts: Buncombe County, Carteret County, Chatham County, Davidson County, Durham County, Granville and Vance counties, Lee County, Wake County and Warren County.

The funded projects will build upon existing effective programs or will try new approaches to increasing healthy behaviors. The proposals ranged from worksite wellness programs to building new parks and walking trails. The projects receiving grants must be sustainable after the year of funding has ended. Complete descriptions of each funded project can be found on the Eat Smart, Move More NC website.

North Carolina was recently ranked 16th in the nation in adult obesity in a national report. More alarming is the state's ranking of 5th in the nation in overweight adolescents. The percentage of children and adults who are overweight or obese rises each year, and despite advances in medicine, the current generation of children may be the first to live shorter lives than their parents. Eat Smart, Move More NC strives to reverse this trend by creating environments where healthy eating and physical activity are the norm instead of the exception.

For more information on the statewide Eat Smart, Move More NC movement or to find out how your community can promote healthy eating and physical activity, visit on the Web.

One week closer!

The fall semester is winding down. Its hard to believe it is almost over. I am almost done with my two huge projects and one is due November 28 and I cannot wait to turn it in and then only one more to finish! My huge 15 page paper is almost finished and then I have to prepare my presentation by December 7 which should be no problem at all! I was finally able to do my data collection for my 15 page paper/presentation and it was a relief to just have to put the finishing touches on my paper. I can say that my observation for elementary school lunches was more shocking than I imagined. I knew that the school lunches are not healthy but lunches brought from home fared no better. Some children had donuts and only junk food in their lunch! Can you imagine?? This information hits me hard because I will be a part of the Childhood Obesity Prevention Project for my internship and after this observation, I realize even more the challenge that lies ahead for me and the Public Health Department. But all I have to say is BRING IT ON!! For those that know me will understand that I will do whatever it takes to change school lunches and decrease obesity in children. After all, this is why I started grad school and it is my ultimate goal to work at the state level and with the Public Health Department. I am even more motivated than before to kick butt at my internship and land myself a permanent position working there. You better watch out, I am on a mission and I will let nothing stand in my way to achieving my goals!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


ARGH! I am so frustrated and I am not sure that is even the right word for how I feel. I got a phone call this afternoon from Capital One and they wanted me to confirm some charges on my credit card. I said ok. He read off the first charge and I immediately told him that I did not make that purchase, it was for $268 worth of groceries in Tijuana, Mexico. The last time I checked, I live in North Carolina. So of course I told them it was fraud and of course they are going to send me a new credit card. This is my 2nd credit card in the past month. I just got my new one from when that transvestite stole my purse and now this. I cannot even imagine how they got my cc number but anyways, my new one is on its way. UGH!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

3 weeks and counting:)

The fall semester will be done in 3 weeks...WOOHOO!!! This semester has actually flown by, let's hope next semester goes by just as fast! I am a bit stressed right now not because I am behind but because of circumstances beyond my control. For my qualitative research class, we had to do a class project which involved working with a specific health problem and we had to either interview or observe. I choose to do an observational study on the eating habits of elementary aged children in Wake County, NC. I decided to observe three lunch periods at my nieces' school and I had to go through the entire process of submitting my research project for review. I contacted the principal of the school and she told me she would love to have me come in but I needed to submit my proposed research to the Wake County Research and Evaluation Department. I looked on their website and it clearly stated that observational research for a class project was not considered research and I would just have to contact the principal. I informed the principal and she had spoken with the head of the department and I still needed to submit my proposal. I of course called the department to be sure and he said that yes, I did indeed need to submit my proposed research project. I pointed out what the website had said and he said that the information was not correct on their website. WHAT?!?! Anyway, so I did what I needed to do and submitted my proposal the second week in October and they said I would know if I was approved within a few weeks. I called a few weeks ago and they said they were in the process of reviewing it and I would know by Thanksgiving. I politely pointed out that my FINAL project was due December 7 and I needed to have my data collection done by November 14 at the latest. He said there was nothing he could do to help me! Its not like I am going to publish this study and have unlimited time to finish this!!! My final grade depends on this!! Thank goodness my professor is very understanding and knows that this is not my fault because I did exactly what I was supposed to five weeks ago!! So my professor and decided to just have me go eat lunches with my nieces and do the best I can with the data collection. Originally, I was supposed to walk around the cafeteria and observe but since I haven't been approved to do that, I can only eat lunch with each niece and one friend so my data collection might be more limited. The good news is that I have done my research and I know what they offer at school and I am very observant normally in my surroundings so I should have no problem. UGH!!

Other than that, my project is on track and I hope to get another project started and almost finished this weekend and upcoming week. I hate leaving things to the last minute and the sooner I finish up everything, the sooner I can relax and enjoy the Christmas season:)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm Special!!

When I got to the beach on Friday night, my niece Jordyn asked if she could borrow my laptop and I said sure. She then proceeded to tell me that I could not look at what she was doing because it was a surprise!!! A few minutes later, she showed me this:

Sweet, nice
Happy, joyful, joyous
loves her beloved nieces
Queen Sara

I guess this just shows how much I am truly loved by my nieces!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Beach Weekend

What an awesome weekend! I went to the beach with my family and it was so relaxing and fun! I stayed at my sister's condo in North Myrtle Beach. It was so quiet with hardly anyone there and the weather was nice. It was windy and alittle cool on Saturday but the sun was out:) My sister and I ran 5 miles in the morning and then we hung out on the beach in the afternoon. My nieces had been there since Tuesday and had been working on a 'sand house'. Basically, they dug some holes and made steps, couches, and chairs. My sister and I sat there all afternoon and chatted! Kalli and I collected shells on the beach and I got some cool ones and some that were bigger than I normally find on the beach. My sister and brother in law went out with some friends that stayed with us too and they stayed in their 2 bedroom condo at night while I stayed in the 3 bedroom with the kids. I didn't mind, I got the master suite which looks out to the ocean and I slept with the balcony door open and fell asleep to the waves crashing on the beach:)

Kalli rode back with me yesterday and we went to watch the Hurricanes play the Thrashers. The Canes lost which they typically do whenever I go but that's ok because I got to spend some time with just Kalli! I have already taken Jordyn and Kalli to a game this season so I will take Linsey next time. It did take me longer than normal to get home because I accidentally went East instead of West on I-74 and went thru Wilmington. So a 2 1/2 hour drive became a 3 1/2 hour. Good thing I left MB early or we would have missed the beginning of the game! It is very unlike me to go the wrong way because typically I am very good with directions but I'm not perfect! Oh well, I just took the scenic route home, that's all!!

Needless to say, I had a very relaxing but tiring weekend but it was worth it because for the next 3 weeks I will be swamped with work and school. December 7 can't get here fast enough!!! At least I get to go back to the beach in February, can't wait:)

digging the 'sandhouse'

Jordyn digging my chair

Linsey working on the kitchen

beautiful day at the beach:)

start of the game

Kalli and I

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Three of my fave things...

Its almost Friday and I couldn't be happier! I get to do THREE of my favorite things this weekend: the beach, spending time with my nieces and a Carolina Hurricanes Hockey game:) It starts at 12:30 tomorrow when I leave work and then I am off to pick up my brother in law and a friend and off to the beach we go! My sister is already there with my nieces and a friend and her children. I am looking forward to spending some quality time with my nieces and lounging on the beach. I won't be sunbathing or swimming but it is supposed to be in the 70's there this weekend. What a perfect fall weekend to spend at the beach! Of course, I have the rough draft of my huge final paper due next week so I will be working on that a bit (while sitting on the beach, of course!) but other than that, it will be a nice and relaxing weekend. On Sunday afternoon, my niece Kalli will ride home with me from the beach and go to the hockey game with me. She is not a big hockey fan but she is a BIG Aunt Sara fan so she will do anything to spend alone time with me. Plus, I already took Jordyn this year and Linsey just went with Rob (my brother in law). We like to keep things even between the girls so no fighting or favoritism will occur.

All in all, a great weekend is ahead for me!! I better enjoy it because I do not have a free weekend until the first weekend in December. I am working the next 3 weekends at Padoodles and since the fall semester is coming to an end in a month, all my spare time will be spent finishing up my final two projects of the semester.

Have a great weekend everyone:)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Relaxing Weekend

What a relaxing weekend! I hate to see it end:( Friday night, my friend Meda and I ate dinner at the YoHo Asian Diner off of Tryon Rd. in Cary. It was very good, I highly recommend it! Afterwards, I came home and lounged on the couch and hung out with Jill. As mush as I was looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday morning, that did not happen, I was up at 8 BUT I did go to bed by 11!!:) I stayed up for a few hours and then went back to bed til 1pm...that was great! I went Xmas shopping and finished Jill, my brother in law and my dad up. I know what I am getting everyone else so now I just need to find the time to do it.

Today, I got up and ran 3 miles with my sister since we are training to run a half marathon together on Valentines Day in Myrtle Beach. I had so much energy when I got home that I went out and ran another 2.5 miles! I'm crazy, I know! I got alot of homework done this weekend and not only am I caught up but AHEAD...but that will not last long I am sure. I will procrastinate and get behind again and hand everything at the last minute as always!

All in all in was a weekend of accomplishments and relaxation. Next weekend should be even more relaxing, I will be at the beach Friday thru Sunday!!!

Even though I am not a big Halloween fan, I need an excuse to post pics of my precious nieces in their Halloween costumes...ENJOY!

Kalli (the witch), Jordyn (the cat), and Linsey (the gymnast)


