Saturday, March 27, 2010

5 hours=26.2!

Wow, it still hasn't 'hit' me that I actually ran a marathon! But my body knows I did! It was definitely the hardest thing I have ever set out to do. Working full time and going to grad school was a piece of cake compared to this! Not only was it time consuming but super rough on my body! Kudos to those who do it all the time but my body couldn't handle it! Overall, it was a good experience but never one I want to experience again. Standing at the start line was exciting but also nerve racking too! I couldn't wrap it around in my mind that I was actually getting ready to run 26.2 miles! And yes I teared up a little before that gun went off! I honestly felt awesome until about mile 14 and then I went downhill from there. My feet were starting to ache and my legs were definitely getting tired. But I knew I had to go on. By the time I got to mile 16 and saw my dad, mom and Ashley waiting for me, I knew that I could do this. They kept me going the entire time. Every time Ashley saw me he got right next to me and told I could do this and he was proud of me. That was motivation enough to keep going. Once I got to mile 20, I started feeling better and kept thinking only 6.2 to go-which seems like nothing after you have run 20! Then I got to mile 23 and it was uphill and windy-not a good combination for tired legs! I was so happy to see my friends Meda and Susan at mile 24-they were cheering me on and I knew I was almost done. Ashley was waiting for me at mile 24.5 and he was sweet to run the last 1.5 with me. He is the one who kept me going the last few miles, if it wasn't for him, the last mile would have been MUCH harder! Little did I know that when he saw me struggling at mile 16-he told my parents that he could see I was struggling and he said he was going to meet me at mile 25 to run with me to get me through this, isn't he the best? I sure think so!! I have never been so relieved to see the finish line and then the adrenaline kicked in. We got to the last .2 and Ashley left me and I crossed the finish line with my arms high! I have never been so excited to be done with something :)

I crossed the finish line and instantly the pain and stiffness started. I just wanted to sit down but I knew it was better for me to keep moving. Ashley brought me home and I took an ice bath which helped immensely and then I slept for 3 hours! When I woke up, my feet were so swollen! Ashley took such good care of me too! He massaged my legs for me and even picked me up dinner and socks to help with the swelling! Monday was a whole different story-I have never been so sore and exhausted in my life. I slept a total of 14 hours after the marathon and when I woke up on Monday morning, I felt as though I hadn't slept at all! I went for a walk on Monday afternoon and it took me over an hour to walk 3 miles! It was so painful and stairs and walking downhill was nearly impossible! My feet were so swollen that I had to wear flip flops to work all week! I was able to move much better on Tuesday and the swelling finally went down yesterday!! I can finally wear normal shows again! I still can't run though, I attempted to yesterday and my legs just wouldn't do it, hopefully next week!

Crossing the finish line :)

me with my medal!
Trish and I

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1. My big marathon is on Sunday! I am nervous, scared, excited and ready to get it over with. Of course the forecast is calling for scattered showers, a 40% but knowing my luck it will thunder and lightening and it will canceled. What are the chances of having 2 marathons canceled due to adverse weather conditions??

2. My job is going well. I love it. This is my 4th week, time sure has flown by!

3. I am very blessed to have my parents, nieces, Ashley and 4 good friends coming to see me run my first marathon! And my this is a special moment I get to share with my big sis since she is doing it too!

4. My parents will be here tomorrow!!! Hopefully it won't take them 26 hours to get here this time!

5. Its supposed to be 70 on Sunday. I typically love this weather but it is not the best weather to run in, at least for me. My asthma usually starts to act up but I have been trying to run as much as possible in the warmer weather to get used to it. Hopefully, I will be ok.

6. I haven't seen my nieces since Valentines' Day. I am having serious withdrawls but I will see them tomorrow night and all weekend, YEAH! :)

7. I am contemplating running the Raleigh Half Marathon in November. It is a hilly one though so we will see.

8. My 30th birthday party is starting to be planned. I am trying to think of a theme but have yet to come up with anything. Any ideas??

9. My marathon training started in the fall, went through the winter and will commence in the Spring. That is way too long.

10. I finally heard from the Myrtle Beach marathon committee and they decided to give all participants a 50% discount for next year if they sign up before March 31st. Seriously?? That is almost a whole year before, if I decided to do it, I would have to before then an I usually don't decide until about 6 months before. I am still annoyed with them so I am definitely not doing it next year and more than likely, never again.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

Since I have been slacking on my blog lately, I figured I would participate in Ten on Tuesday!

1. I think I have become a morning person. I have been trying and been rather successful at getting to work by 7:30 in the morning. Which means I am up by 6:15. Surprisingly, I have been rather awake by the time anyone comes into work which is unusual for me-I typically don't feel awake until 10 or so...not anymore!

2. I am hardly ever on Facebook anymore. I have no free time during the day at work and I am too tired and have been on the computer all day so its the last thing I want to do at night when I get home. Do I miss it?? Not really...

3. Today is Ashley and mine's 5 month anniversary. It has definitely gone by very fast!! I am so lucky to have him in my life-he always makes me smile and calls me just to say he thinking of me. He knows how to cheer me up when I am sad and he is always making me laugh. Is this what love feels like?

4. As of today, I have lost 5 lbs and I did it without even trying! I haven't weighed myself in at least 6 weeks but I am pretty sure I have lost it within the last 2 weeks since I started at Duke. Since then, I no longer have access to the pantry or refrigerator. Plus, I have been packing my lunch daily with healthy things like salads, fruit, and nuts and have cut down on my portion sizes. I have a mini goal of losing 2 more pounds by marathon day-March 21st!

5. Speaking of marathon day- is it here yet? I feel like these last 3.5 weeks since Myrtle Beach have crawled by. I just want it to be over.! My legs ache constantly, I am stiff if I sit for too long and I have lost 2 toenails. I just want my feet to look pretty again and now that the weather is warm and I can start wearing sandals, I can't because my toenails are scary looking. And if you know me, going out with sandals on and no nail polish is unacceptable!

6. I love soring time but could deal without the allergies/pollen. My asthma always acts up this time of year but I refuse to let it get in my way of being outside and enjoying the fresh sporing air!

7. My new job has gotten me into drinking coffee every morning. Of course, I put in at least 2 tablespoons of sugar and half a cup of milk in it. My mom says that is not coffee but that is the way I like it.

8. Easter is my favorite holiday. I love all the bright, spring colors plus I love bunnies. And who doesn't love the Cadbury Egg commercials?

9. I am loving this 70 degree weather. I love having my windows open. I hope it continues!!! It hasn't been as hard adjusting to the warmer weather while running either.

10. My parents will be here next week for marathon try #2. Hopefully it doesn't snow this time....

Saturday, March 6, 2010

One Year

Its hard to believe that is has been one year since a phone call changed my life forever. I miss Chris and think of him everyday and I would give anything just to have one more day with him. Yesterday was a very hard day for me but 2 things made the day more bearable. #1-Ashley came over after work because he knew it was a hard day for me and he just held me. Then he took me to dinner at Red Lobster because he knew that would cheer me up and it worked. I was smiling by the end of the day. It meant so much that he did that for me. #2-I had a dream on Thursday night and Chris was in it. He told me that he was happy and he was ok. Now I feel I can continue to heal because I know he is happy and in a better place. I know eventually the pain will subside but I also know that my heart will never fully heal. But I know I will see him one day again. Chris always lived his life to the fullest. He wouldn't want me crying everyday over him, he wants me to smile and live my life and to honor his memory, I will do just that.

I miss you Chris. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and all the memories we shared. I could not of asked for a better friend during my time in Oswego. You were always there when I needed you and I knew I could count on you. Everything happens for a reason. I am so happy I ran into you on campus that day-we were inseparable from that day on. I will carry those memories with me for always. You were my best friend and my life is so different without you in it. But your short time on Earth touched my life along with many others so deeply and I will forever be blessed to have been your friend. Love and miss you buddy, May you rest eternally in the arms of our Lord.

Lots of new!

Wow, it has been awhile but to my defense, I did start a new job and I am trying to get into a groove! My new job at Duke is awesome! I love it! Everyday is different and new but I am working on some great research projects and learning so much from my new co-workers! Everyone is super nice and helpful and I feel right at home. It has definitely been a big adjustment but it hasn't been bad at all. I am able to make my own hours which I love. The only stipulation is you work at least 80 hours in your pay cycle and your work gets problem for me. I have about a 25-30 commute on a very busy interstate but so far the traffic hasn't been too bad. I am usually at work between 7:30-8 (and the first one there) and I leave between 4-4:30. Most nights I am home by 5 which gives me so much more free time to go running before it gets dark, run errands or just be lazy and chill. Its also nice to using your degree which I have worked so hard for. I feel like I am beginning to make a difference and be useful to someone. I also have to say how nice it is to enjoy going to work and not have to listen the kids whine and cry all day. Don't get me wrong, I love kids and enjoyed being a nanny (most days anyway) but it was my time to move on. I am super blessed to have this opportunity to work for such an awesome organization and I look forward to my future there!