Tuesday, August 25, 2009

New York

I am home from NY, hooray! I had a great time in NY but it is always great to be home and in your own bed :) I flew home with Chris's cousin, Jessica who happens to live 10 minutes from me, small world isn't it? We were originally supposed to be in NY at 11:30 but about half hour before boarding, it was announced that the plane had yet to leave DC so Jessica and I switched our flight to leave at 9 and have a short layover in LaGuardia instead. It was a super bumpy flight up and it was even worse from LaGuardia to Syracuse since were on on prop plane. It was very wobbly and I felt like throwing up the entire time. I was very relieved to land in Syracuse!!! My parents took me to lunch, we did a little shopping and met my grandma for dinner at Art's Jug for pizza, yummy!!! Then my friend Malinda came over to visit and catch up since we haven't seen each other since high school!!! I am so glad I was able to see her!!! Hopefully 10 years won't pass until I see her again:)

The first annual Christopher M. Sligar Memorial Softball Tournament was held on Saturday. It was an emotional but fun day. I cried a little in the beginning especially when I made Chris's mom cry, she was touched that I flew in from NC just for the tournament. It was evident that I need major help on my softball skills but I had an awesome team and I did the best I could! It was a great day overall. We went out to Keddy's (only 1 of 2 bars in Carthage) and hung out after the tournament. I didn't stay long because the last time I was there, I was with Chris and it was a very emotional night for me. Chris's mom and 2 sisters told me they loved me and I know that they will always be an important part of my life.

On Sunday, my aunt and uncle came up from Syracuse and we went out to lunch. It was a fun time catching up. Sunday night was spent eating a sub from Jreck's and lounging on the couch.
My trip home was very interesting and frustrating though. I only took a carry on bag because its such a hassle to check bags and I didn't want to pay the $15 fee. So as I am going through security, they tell me my bag needs to be searched. I am trying to figure out what could possible set the alarm off and come to find out, it was my contact solution. They said it was not allowed to be in my carry on even if I checked it at the gate since it contained peroxide. Apparently, peroxide is considered dangerous, who knew? I could have checked my bag but I figured it was easier to have them confiscate it. So then I get to the gate and they inform me that I am unable to gate check it because we are going on a bigger plane, so of course I had to check my bag anyway!! UGH!!!!!! At least I didn't have to pay the $15 fee. My bag probably would have fit but it would have been tight ad I didn't want to fight it, Oh well. Then I get into DC and I landed at an actual gate meaning I have to change terminals to catch my next flight (a commuter flight) and I had to go through security AGAIN!! How aggravating and I only had enough time to pee before I boarded so I missed lunch. I was never so happy to be back home in Raleigh!!! As much as I enjoy my time in NY, its always nice to come back to NC!

And of course, it won't let me upload photos but I will try again later. You can also look at all my photos on my facebook page!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Super busy!

I have been super busy and it doesn't look like my life will be slowing down much in the next few weeks! I met my parents and nieces in Richmond, VA last Tuesday night since were were going to Kings Dominion the following day. My nieces had been staying with my parents in NY for the previous week and asked if Gramma and Granpa could take them to Kings Dominion on the way back to NC and of course my parents said yes! SO I of course invited myself for a few reasons: 1-to have 3 adults and 3 children so each person would have a riding partner, 2-to take a few days off work and 3-because I love roller coasters! It was a perfect day: it was cloudy so it wasn't too hot and uncomfortable (was muggy though) and it didn't rain even though it looked like it might. All in all it was a great time and we will probably do it again next year!!

My parents, nieces and I at Kings Dominion

Kalli, Linsey and Jordyn with Sponge Bob!

My parents were supposed to stay until Sunday and we were planning to spend the whole day on the boat on Saturday but unfortunately, my dog was diagnosed with kidney disease a few months back and the vet called on Saturday morning and told my mom that Puddles was very sick so my parents decided it was best to head home. But I still went on the boat and it helped take my mind off of Puddles for a few hours.

Linsey dancing

Linsey, Kalli and their friend, Gray tubing

Jordyn and her friend, Malisse

By the way, Puddles is home and doing fine. The stress of not being at home caused him to be sick but he is doing great now!

Off to New York this weekend!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Fun Weekend!

I had a great weekend! It was definitely a busy one! On Friday night, Melissa and I went to the Cheap Trick/Poison/Def Leppard concert! It was a blast! We got there around 5:15 and tailgated and ate dinner with my sister, brother in law and 3 of their friends until about 6:45. Then we waited in line for about an hour to get in and it was super hot! Melissa and I had only been in our seat for maybe 10 minutes when Poison started playing! Bret Michaels is so hot!! He wore his famous cowboy hat for most of the concert. Melissa and I had great seats and a perfect view of the stage. Too bad they didn't allow cameras in there, otherwise I would have taken as many pictures of Bret Michaels as possible! On Saturday night, I got to hang out with my favorite almost 3 year old Ry and his baby sister Elle! Ry absolutely loves his little sister and she loves to smile at him. I had a great time with the 2 of them:)

Sunday was a day filled with chores:( I washed my car, cleaned the house and did lots of laundry to get ready for my trip to Kings Dominion on Tuesday night/Wednesday. I did take time out to go and watch Orphan with my friend Megan. It was definitely a freaky movie that kept you wondering what would happen next!

All in all I had a great weekend!

PS-I have good news too! I have a phone interview for a prevention specialist job on Wednesday!!!! I will be at Kings Dominion that day but I plan to go back to the car and talk since its only supposed to last about 20 minutes! Keep your fingers crossed for me:)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

10 things

So I enjoy reading other peoples' blogs even if I don't know them. I came across one today who blogged about 10 truths about herself and thought it was interesting and thought I would do the same, so here it goes...

1. I am afraid that I will never find a health education/promotion job and I will be a nanny forever, not something I want.

2. I am very independent and worry that when (and if) I do settle down, it will too hard for me to adjust to life with another person.

3. I love kids but I fear if I am a nanny much longer, I will no longer want them.

4. My favorite food is homemade macaroni and cheese, I honestly could eat it every day and not get sick of it.

5. My nieces mean the world to me, I cherish every moment I spend with them because before I know, they will be all grown up :(

6. I try to hard to be perfect even though I know that perfection is unrealistic.

7. I am addicted to reality TV shows!!!

8. I enjoy watching the Weather Channel, I sometimes wonder if I should have been a meteorologist.

9. I am the type of person who needs at least 8.5 hours of sleep a night! If I don't get it, I get very cranky.

10. I love reading true life crime stories, its a weird fascination I know but I can't help it, they are addicting!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I'm back, at least for the time being...

It has been awhile since I have blogged but it hasn't been because of time issues, I just haven't felt like blogging. I have been busy but not super busy, but that is about to change since August is a month full of travel, fun, family and friends!

Next weekend, my friend Melissa, my sister and brother in law and a few of their friends are going to see Def Leopard and Poison in concert!! Super excited for some tailgating and a night of good music with friends and family:) Then the next night I get to hang out with my favorite almost 3 year old, Ry and his new sister Elle for the night! I leave for Richmond, VA on August 11 to meet my parents and nieces there and we are going to King Dominion on the 12th for a day full of roller coasters and water rides! Then we will drive back to Raleigh that night and my parents will be here until the 16th. My dad wants to learn to water ski so we will be enjoying most of the visit on Harris Lake! On the 21st, I fly home to NY for the first annual Christopher Sligar Memorial Softball Tournament. Friends and family of Chris will participate in this event to raise money for a scholarship to be formed in Chris's name. I am looking forward to this because I will be able to see most of my friends at the same time and the tournament should be full of laughs since I am not a skilled softball player...LOL!!

Of course, this trip will be bittersweet because it is my first trip to NY since the funeral. I know it will be an emotional weekend with lots of laughing and crying but I know Chris would want me there. This was his type of get together, a bunch of people getting together to have fun and laugh. I have been doing okay lately, I haven't been crying as much but I go through days when it takes everything I have not to burst into tears. Sometimes I hear song that makes me tear up or think about a memory of us and I just lose it. Other times, I smile when I hear a song or remember a fun time. One thing I know for sure is that Chris is always with me. I know this sounds weird but sometimes I can feel him with me. I was having a hard time one night, I couldn't fall asleep because I kept thinking about him and I was crying. I asked God to give me a sign that Chris was okay and all of a sudden I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. At that moment, I knew Chris was okay and he was there with me. Its time like that that renews my faith and gives me the strength to go on with my life.

Until next time...