Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I know I wasn't going to blog again until the New Year but I couldn't let the opportunity pass to share how thankful I am for so many things this year. The beginning of the year was difficult with 2 family members and my best friend passing on and continuing their journey with God.
But the hard times typically show people just how fortunate they are and open their eyes to their many blessings.

1. The number one thing I am thankful for is my Faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I have not always been the most devout Christian but He has always been with me. The death of my friend, Chris, truly tested my faith. I was ANGRY, I felt betrayed, how could he take someone that meant so much to me? But after a few months, I realized why. Chris did what he needed to do here on Earth. It was his time to make his journey to heaven. He is now my angel watching over me and I thank God everyday for blessing me with a great friend that I found in Chris. Over the past few weeks, I have renewed my Faith and I feel that as long as I keep God in my life, I will achieve great things.

2. My parents! I have the most understanding, loving and trusting parents who taught me to love unconditionally. I am who I am today because of the values they have installed in me. They have always been by my side. They have supported me in every decision I have made and never said "I told you so" if something didn't work out for me. They instilled confidence in me and told me that I could do anything I put my mind to and I have. I only hope that I have made them proud.

3. My sister-she took me under her wing when I moved here in 2004. I never would have moved here if she wasn't here to help me through it. She loves me for me and is always there for me. I am blessed to have such a great relationship with my big sister! I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world:)

4. My friends-They have always been by my side though thick and thin. They can always make smile even when things seem at their worst. I know who my true friends are because they continually applaud me for my accomplishments. Even if we don't talk for a few weeks, months or even years, things pick up where it left off, like nothing has changed. If it wasn't for my friends, I also wouldn't be where I am today.

5-My nieces-I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love them. They have opened my heart and taught me to live and enjoy life. I have cherished every moment spent with them and I have been blessed to watch them grow into gorgeous young ladies. My only hope is that they continue to love me as much as I love them. I will always be there for them. They are a part of who I am.

6-My kitties, Molly and Twix-They love me no matter what. I could have had the worst day and it is all erased when I walk in the door and see their snuggly faces. Even when Molly bites me at 6am because she is hungry or when Twix ruined my dining room table with his claws, I still love them and are very thankful they are a part of my family :)

7-My perseverance-There have been times in my life when I feel like I am at my lowest and don't know how I can go on. But somehow, I do. I know that I will do great things in my life and will do whatever it takes to achieve those dreams.

8-My ability to run-I am fortunate that I have been blessed with my running legs. Even today when I am nursing an injury, I am still thankful that my injury is temporary and my legs will continue to carry me through my life. Some people are not as fortunate.

9-A job-I have one and in this economy, that is a positive thing. Even though I am not doing what I want to do for the rest of my life, I am making a difference and helping a family in need. One day my opportunity will come to be a Health Educator and I will cherish that moment when it arrives. Until then, I will continue to be the best nanny I can be.

10-Last but certainly not least-Ashley. I have been 'seeing' (dating?) Ashley since October 9. Words cannot describe how thankful I am for him to be a part of my life. He makes me smile everyday. I am a better person with him in my life. I feel he brings out the best in me. I enjoy spending time with him and I can be myself around him. Even if things don't last, I am confident, he will always be an important part of my life.

So as Thanksgiving begins and passes- remember you should be thankful for everything in your life on a daily basis. We shouldn't use Thanksgiving as an excuse to say what we are thankful for.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to my wonderful family and friends, love to you all!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Taking a break

I haven't felt like blogging much lately. Plus I don't feel like I have lots to talk about so I have decided to take a break from blogging for awhile. I plan on resuming my blog in 2010. Happy Holidays! Until 2010...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

8 months

Its hard to believe that it has been 8 months since Chris died. I still feel like I am in the middle of a bad dream but I know I am not. My anger with God has subsided. I now understand that He has a plan and there was a reason Chris was taken from us. But of course I still miss Chris terribly and so much has been going on and I wish I could call and tell him. But Chris is and always will be in my heart. My life will never be the same without Chris in it but I do know that I will be all right. I am now left to cherish and smile at the memories.

On to happier things! I am in the midst of my 6th week of marathon training! These past 6 weeks have flown by and I hope the next 14 fly by even faster! My sister has decided to run the marathon with me and I am super excited to start running our long runs together and crossing the finish line in February! I still can't believe that I am doing this but it is on my bucket list and if you know me well, you know that I never give up on achieving my goals and this goal is no different. This Sunday is a 9 mile run and next week, the double digit long runs begin!!!!