Sunday, May 31, 2009


So I have been feeling very adventurous lately! I don't know why but I guess it has a lot to do with many different factors: being done with grad school, loss of one of my best friends and just knowing I can do whatever I want. So about a month ago, my friend Jill said she wanted to put purple highlights in her hair. I told her if she did it, I would put pink in mine. So I had forgot about it until Jill told me on Thursday night she was going to get her hair done the next morning and she was putting the purple highlights in. Coincidentally, I had a hair appointment for a haircut the next night as well. I told her that I would ask my hairdresser if she had time to do and it she did, I would do it. To make a long story short, I can home with pink highlights in my hair. She only put highlighted 3 strands on each side and did a peek a boo type thing so its not all over. I LOVE IT!!!

Of course, I saw my sis and brother in law yesterday and needless to say, their reaction wasn't very good. They basically told me it was irresponsible, immature and I wasn't being a good role model for my nieces. I told them that I did it for FUN and it will fade over time. And if I happen to get a job interview, my hairdresser said she would highlight it back to my normal blond. They did apologize later and told me they were only giving me a hard time because they loved me. Whatever. I can do a lot worse than dying my hair pink. I love it and that's all that matters:)
All blown out

Friday night

Monday, May 25, 2009


I am so disappointed in myself right now. You would think I would be relieved that grad school is over but I am not. Whyyou ask?? I did not pass my Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) exam. Bummed is not even the right word. In order to become certified, you must answer 94/150 questions correctly and I answered 88/150 correctly. SERIOUSLY??? Only 6 points away??? Its so frustrating because honestly I would rather fail miserably because at least then I know I didn't know the material but being soclose makes me wonder if I could of rechecked my answers again (even though I checked over my answers at least 4 times) maybe I would have passed.? So I am able to take the exam again in October. So even though I am done with grad school, I will still have to study for this exam. I am still able to get a job without being certified, it is not required but it is looked upon highly. I figured what was the point of going to grad school and not becoming certified, its like going to med school and not becoming a doctor. So hopefully in October, I will be an official CHES and I better be, because this is an expensive exam to keep taking every 6 months!!!!!

Hopefully, my luck will improve and I can find a job and move forward with my life. Living in limbo is not fun:(

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I really don't have anything interesting to talk about. It has been nice not having grad school anymore but I still feel just as busy and wonder how I fit it in my schedule before? I have been working out more, usually taking a walk with the kids in the wagon for 30-60 minutes in the afternoon and still going to the gym for 30-45 minutes after work. I gained the Grad School 8 and have lost 2 so far! My pants are starting to get looser:) I have been doing more reading and watching TV (I am almost caught up with my DVR shows) as well as more cooking. Its nice to take my time cooking dinner and then taking my time eating rather than doing everything as quickly as possible. I went and saw Andy Dick at the comedy club last week. That was so much fun:) It was nice to just laugh and enjoy time with friends:) I am looking forward to my 3 day weekend and I am going to see Zach in Charlotte. It will be nice to relax all weekend and not have to come home and do homework:) The job hunt is going but nothing new is coming up so I am just enjoying my time being a nanny and soaking up as much sun as possible before I find a job. It will happen when its time and I am content for the time being.

Happy Memorial Day weekend:)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Beach, birthday and graduation

Wow, what a whirlwind it has been since my parents came!! They came in on Saturday, May 2nd. It was so great to see them. I stayed at my sister's house that night since we were leaving for the beach the next morning. The beach was awesome! We had great weather and it was so good just to lounge around, relax and spend time with my family!

Jordyn, Kalli and Linsey digging on the beach
Linsey and I

Mom, Dad and Trish
On Tuesday, it was a little cloudy so we went to Ripley's Aquarium. It was very interesting and we all had a blast. Then we went to Benjamin's Calabash, a all you can eat seafood buffet. It was fantastic!!!!! I ate so many steamed clams and crab legs! We were all stuffed but it was well worth it!!!

Jordyn, Kalli and Linsey in a bubble
Kalli, Jordyn and I in a 'fish tank'
Giant sea turtle
trying to pet the stingrays

We came home on Wednesday night. On Thursday, we all went to Bonefish Grill for dinner and then went to the Wizard of Oz, it was fantastic! Friday was a lounge day, my parents and I went shopping while everyone else went birthday shopping for me. We tailgated a bit and watched the Hurricanes kick major Bruin butt!
Saturday was the best day by far! Not only was it my 29th birthday but my graduation from graduate school! I had an awesome day and words cannot explain how great it feels to be done with school (hopefully forever, unless I decide to get my PhD) and be able to do more things for me and just to be lazy! I love it so far, now I just need to find myself a job in my field, everyone keep your fingers crossed for me!!!

on the way to graduation!!!!
I did it!!!!!
Mom, Dad and I
Trish, Rob and I

Linsey, Kalli, Jordyn and Aunt Sara

I had an awesome vacation and it was just what I needed! I can't wait to start scrap booking everything!!!