Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Random facts about me!

Thanks to my friend, Michelle for tagging me to post some random facts about myself. I will try my hardest but I do not lead a very interesting life.

1) I dated a freshman when I was a junior in high school. Everyone always said I was a cradle robber but he was definitely more mature than the guys in my class! Joe and I stayed together for 4 years! We at one point talked about marriage but it just wasn't meant to be, we grew up and grew apart. But those 4 years with him were some of the best in my life. We are still friends today and even now, I still have better luck with younger guys!

2) I have been known not to have the best luck at times. Well, in the course of one year, I was in 3 car accidents and NONE of them were my fault. The first one was the day after Xmas and 2 friends of mine were on our way home from the mall. Well, on State Street in Watertown, all of a sudden, 8 deer ran across the street and one had the fate of smashing into the driver's side, taking the mirror with it and smashing my windshield. of course, it was a dark, cold and snowy night and it took over an hour for the police to come!!!! I don't think the police believed our story but there was a witness who backed us up! We were all ok but my friend in the backseat had to go to the hospital to get glass removed from his face! The following December, I was getting ready to graduate from Oswego and one day I came out of my friend's house and saw that someone had backed into my car and left. I did file a police report but they never found who did it. The next day, I got a parking ticket so needless to say, I think it was a sign to leave Oswego! When I got home, I always parked my car at the end of the driveway on my dad's side so both my parents could leave in the morning when I was still home and no one would be blocked in. Well, one morning, my dad seemed to forget that my car was in the driveway and he backed into it!!! He felt horrible about it even though you could barely tell he had hit my front bumper. His truck bumper was in rough shape though, all bent up! I called the garage where my family gets all their cars fixed and the owner recognized my voice! That's a sign that your car has been there way too many times!!!!

3) I have been robbed my a transvestite! This is very recent too! I am a nanny and I took the kids to Barnes and Noble and a transvestite stole my purse!!!! It was hidden under the big pink diaper bag in the stroller so I think I was targeted because only someone watching me would know I had put it there! I was only away from the stroller for 30 seconds when we walked in and I leaned forward to open the door and the only person behind me was the transvestite! Needless to say, my purse and belongings were never found but my cc's were never used either so the cop joked with me that the transvestite actually stole my purse for the purse and not the $$$!!!

4) When I was 5, my mom had me dressed in a white shirt and she fed me tomato soup for lunch. Well, I somehow got it all over the BACK of my white shirt and not a drop on the front. Its still a mystery today.

5) I had the quite the imagination as a child. I had tons of playmates (real, too!) but my favorite one was my imaginary friend named Angela. She went with me everywhere and people always sat on her because they couldn't see her. Then my sister brought home a friend named Angela and that was the end of my imaginary friend.

6) I purposely did not miss a day of school or come in late during my senior year of high school. I was determined to get the perfect attendance award and you know what, I did! I came in late the following day.

Ok, I did the best I could, these are all true stories!!! Hey, I never said I was normal!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The weekend is over already???

I had a good weekend, went by quick though and I didn't get much accomplished. I stayed at my sister's on Friday night since she was in Atlanta for her big breast cancer walk and my brother in law had a poker game. The girls and I were all tired so we just chilled out and relaxed. I worked all day Saturday at Padoodles and then went to hang out with Ry so Grant and Michelle could have date night. Ry is getting so big!! He has started potty training and he actually told me when he had to go, not very common for 2 yr. olds. I was so proud of him!! then he wanted a bath and he pooped in the bathtub!!!!! That didn't make him very happy so bath time was cut short. Then we just snuggled on the couch. And of course the night would not be complete without Ry pulling on my heartstrings. I put him to bed and he started to tear up and I asked him what was wrong and he said he missed me. I told him I would see him soon and that I loved him. He told me he loved me and I told him I think of him everyday and he was my buddy and that brought a huge smile to his face:) Michelle even showed me the ultrasound for baby #2 and even though there is still a possibility of it being a girl, it definitely looked like a boy to me. She has another ultrasound in another month when they will definitely find out for sure.

All in all it was a good weekend but I am already looking forward to the next two weekends, no Padoodles until November 15 so I can sleep in for 2 days in a row and 2 weekends in a row, very rare for me. Next weekend should be very low key and relaxing as well as the following weekend when I am at the beach:) Fall semester is done in 6 weeks (but who's counting??)!!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Its Official!

Its official, I start my internship on January 12 for the North Carolina Division of Public Health, working on the Eat Smart Move More NC Campaign and working specifically on the Childhood Obesity Prevention Project. I am very excited to begin in January!!! I met with my mentors today for the first time and they were super nice and really excited to have me be a part of their team. They even said if it works out, then they will set me up with a job after graduation:) I have a badge with my name on it, my own office and telephone number:) I am looking forward to finishing grad school in the next 6 months and moving on to the next phase in my life:) As much as I enjoy being a nanny, once grad school is finished, it will be time for me to move on. I can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel. It will be different being out in the workforce and working with adults again but I am definitely looking forward to it:) It will also be a huge adjustment for me to no longer have to do grad school work, what will I do with myself after work?? I am sure I can find plenty to do and it will be nice to have a life outside of school and work again:) Wow, as its looking now, my 29th year is going to filled with exciting new experiences and I can't wait to get to that point...only 6 months left:)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm sick

I hate being sick, its just a cold but its still annoying. I can't taste anything and my nose is constantly running and if I laugh too hard, then I start coughing and nearly choke....not fun. I did go to the Dr. today just to make sure it wasn't strep and it wasn't so that's good. Hopefully I'll being feel like my old self in no time. Doesn't it always seem that you get sick at the most inconvenient time? On top of school and work, I also have to meet with my internship advisor to discuss my internship project for next semester plus I am hanging out with nieces on Friday night plus work Saturday and watching Ry on Saturday night so I am very busy for the next few days. I am miserable to be around when I am sick so the sooner I feel better, the better it will be for everyone around me. Until next time....CIAO!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Weekend Recap

I had a good weekend! I got to sleep in both Saturday and Sunday which is a rarity in my life. Yesterday, I went to good friend Melissa and Denny's to celebrate their son, Dylan's first birthday:) I can't believe he is one already, it seems like he was just born! Afterwards, I went and voted and started some Xmas shopping, I didn't do too well with that. I was only able to find something for Jill but I have plenty of time to finish the rest of it. My sister had also called to see if I could watch my nieces while her and Rob went out to celebrate his birthday (its the 21st). I said sure, I rarely give up the chance to hang out with my nieces. So they met me at the mall and I got dinner for the girls and then we came back to my place to hang out. We all watched TV, I got them hooked on reruns of the Cosby Show and we also watched out they make Tootsie Pops an and other lollipops on a show called Unwrapped on the Food Network.

Today, I just did stuff around the house and went for a run. My sister wants me to run 8 miles with her on Nov.1 since we are training for a half marathon together in February. So I guess I should get back into running at least 3 times a week again. I also spent some time in the kitchen and made some eggplant parmesan. For those of you who don't know, I consider myself a vegetarian that eats fish/shellfish on occasion and rarely beef and never chicken. So I am always looking for recipes that I can cook up that do not involve meat. I love eggplant and this is a classic so I made it for the first time. It was awesome:) Kudos for me! The recipe is a bit long (but very easy) so here is the link for it: I hope you enjoy!!!
Here are some pictures from last night with my nieces:

Me with orange Halloween teeth:)
Linsey, Jordyn and Kalli

Kalli with her missing 4 front cute:)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I'm Alive!

Jill let me live...HORRAY! I can say that the candy went pretty quickly! But I of course love chocolate so I bought more but I bought dark chocolate with almonds, not too bad for you! I also bought white chocolate peanut butter cups which are horrible for you especially if you eat half the bag in one day (who me???). Anyway, I hid them in a high place where it is hard for me to reach them so hopefully, this will work to my advantage (but knowing me it won't).

Yeah its Thursday, almost the weekend! I only have one thing going on this weekend and that is Dylan's first birthday party!!! He is the son of my high school friend and fellow Raleigh resident, Melissa and her hubby Denny! I am looking forward to the party and catching up with Melissa and Denny! Other than that, I am looking forward to a quiet and hopefully relaxing weekend, after of course I catch up on some reading for grad school!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The end is near..........

This could be my last blog because my roommate says she's going to kill me for bringing home too much Halloween candy!!!! (Refer to her blog: for the complete story). HAHA! I'm sorry, Jill:( I promise no more candy because I need to be good too!!

I'm Pooped

I feel like this week lasted forever. I worked 50 hours between Monday and Friday and I am at Padoodles today working another 7. My stupid kidney infection has still not cleared up and I started my third round of antibiotics yesterday so hopefully it will get knocked out this time. I feel out of whack because my schedule has been all messed up and I do much better when I am in a routine. Hopefully, next week will be better. I have a half marathon in a few weeks and I haven't run in at least 2 weeks and then I only ran 3.5 miles. So I guess its safe to say that I won't be running in it. Typically I probably would try but since I am running a half marathon with my sister in February, I don't want to risk getting injured. Plus its probably not the best idea to go run 13.1 miles when you haven't run more than 3.5 and I haven't even been doing that regularly, maybe once every week or so. I am so ready for 2008 to be done with. The first half of the year was great but the second half has sucked and that is putting it lightly. At least grad school will be finished in May and I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Next semester is going to be rough taking my last 2 classes, my internship and working but it will only be for 4 months and then I will be done with school and hopefully working in my career. All right, enough complaining for now, all I need is some good sleep and life will be good again, at least I hope anyway!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My favorite time of year!

Fall is definitely my favorite season! There is so much that I love about this season. I love the cooler weather and sleeping with my windows open. I also love layering of clothes because of the cool mornings and comfortable afternoons! I love it when the leaves start to change color and everywhere you look, you see a variety of reds, yellow and orange leaves. The air smells so fresh this time of year too. I love walking outside in the morning and feeling the cool breeze on my face. But my most favorite part of fall is the start of HOCKEY SEASON!!! That's right, its that time of year again!!! The Hurricanes begin their season tomorrow night at 7 pm against the Florida Panthers right here in Raleigh! Even though I am not going to the game, you can bet that I will be watching every second of the game on FSN! I am still disappointed that they traded Erik Cole but we still have Brind'amour and Staal. Its going to be a great season! GO CANES!!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Good News Times Two!

I have some really good news:) First all, congrats to Grant and Michelle on expecting their 2nd child!! Ry is going to be a big brother in late April 2009! I am so happy for them, they are awesome parents and I am so happy God has blessed them with another child. Too bad I still wasn't their nanny and then I would have 2 but everything happens for a reason and this leads in to my other good news...I will be finished with grad school on May 8!!!!! I found out today that I will be starting my internship with Eat Smart Move More NC campaign in January. I am very excited to get experience in the field plus being working on the obesity epidemic in North Carolina...exactly what I want to do! Hopefully, it will go well and I will have a job after graduation! I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel...only 7 months til its all over, just in time for my 29th birthday...what a great way to start my final year in my 20's!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008


Bessie...that is the name for the cyst that has decided to take up residence on my right ovary. This all started back over the July 4th weekend. I felt really sick to my stomach and I had heavy bleeding and severe cramps. I knew something was wrong because I just had my cycle 2 weeks before. I had been under an extreme stress at the time but the cramps and my heavy bleeding told me something was wrong. Jill ended up taking me to Urgent Care and they gave me a shot in my butt to slow the bleeding (that was the highlight of my whole and a bunch of tests which all came back negative. The next Monday, I went to my regular doctor and she ordered a ultrasound for me and low and behold, it showed a 6 cm cyst sitting on top of my right ovary. My doctor told me they are very common and typically go away after a few months. BUT I went for my follow up ultra sound today and its still there!!! Hence, I named her Bessie. I figured if she's going to camp out awhile longer on my ovary, she might as well have a name!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Midweek Update

This week has been alittle better. On Monday, I got my driver license, credit card and debit card in the mail...finally, I feel like I have an identity again! Life is slowly getting back on track. I had an ok weekend, the first half was good, the second half, not so much. Friday night I went and hung out with my friend, Mike and we watched a movie. I worked at Padoodles on Saturday and we were super busy. Fuquay had a cake baking contest and then you could taste them afterwards plus they had a gelato (italian ice cream) and chocolate eating contest. I got to watch the festivities from the store but my sister did bring me 3 pieces of cake (cheesecake, apple spice cake and my fave...carrot cake). I felt a little sick afterwards with all that sugar in my system. Then the day went drastically downhill. Later the night, I found out I had a kidney infection and I was supposed to stay the night with my sis and nieces but I just wanted to sleep in my own bed but unfortunately I did not sleep well. I finally am starting to feel better today so I am on the mend.

Hopefully, things will continue to improve. I feel as though my life has been a constant roller coaster since June 12, that is the day that changed my life forever. At the moment I am only taking each day at a time, that is all I can do.