Sunday, February 21, 2010

My friend and fellow blogger, Michelle, keeps posting all these cool posts about getting to know you. So once again, I am borrowing this post from her since I don't feel my life is that interesting! Thanks Michelle!!

1. How often do you wash/change your sheets?
Every week because I am super anal and OCD about cleanliness and germs!! BUT in college, I changed them about once a semester, gross I know!!

2. When is your birthday?
May 9th. It happens to fall on Mother's Day this year and then it won't fall again on Mother's Day for 6 more years. I share a birthday with Billy Joel, Mike Wallace, and Candace Bergen!

3. Have you ever met a bloggy friend in real life?
Most of my blogger friends are people I know in real life. Melissa, Michelle and I all went to high school together and were track buddies! Jill is my friend and roommate!!

4. Brad Pitt or George Clooney?
I have to agree with Michelle on this answer:
Brad Pitt seems so played out these days. George Clooney will always be classically sexy to me. I'm going with George.

5. If you could change one thing about your body what would it be?
My stomach. I used to have flat and defined abs but college caught up with me and now I have a little pooch. Running so much has helped but I need to cut back on my portions. It will also help that I finally have a job where I go to the office rather than someones house and I won't be tempted to eat more than I should!!

6. How often do you wash your hair?
I have to wash my hair every day. I get some pretty intense bedhead!

7. Do you have pets?
I sure do. I have 2 kitties and I love them just like children!! Molly is my chubby, Tortie cat who is 5. She can be super moody and mouthy but I love it when she snuggles with me at night :) Twix is almost 4 and is my tiger tabby. He was abandoned as a kitten and I rescued him. He is skiddish around strangers but he is starting to be more friendly. He also loves to cuddle with his momma and big sis at night :)

8. Do you belong to..if you had to give up one, what would it be?
I used to be long to Facebook and Myspace but I canceled Myspace a few months ago. Most of my friends on there weere on Facebook too and I never got on Myspace anymore. I don't know what I would do without Facebook though!!!

Its your turn now!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Ten Indulgences

I got this post from my friend and fellow blogger, Michelle!

1. Starbucks-I absolutely love White Chocolate Mochas from Starbucks! It gives me a boost of energy but also satisfies my sweet tooth. Its the perfect treat on a cold winter day or refreshing treat on a hot summer day! During Christmas, I add peppermint to make it a White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha and it is to die for. I highly recommend going out and trying one! You'll get hooked just like me :)

2. Chocolate-I love chocolate in any way. Dark chocolate is my favorite type but when I am craving any chocolate, any will do! I could eat chocolate everyday and even if I am watching what I eat, I always save room for chocolate!

3. Running or exercise in general-I love being active and the days I am not active, I don't feel 100%. Running is my all time favorite exercise which probably explains me training to run a marathon! I could have the most stressful day but it all melts away as soon as I start running. On the days I can't run, I try to go to the gym or sometimes I come home and workout with Jillian Michaels. My workouts make me feel strong and like I can conquer the world! I don't know what I would do if I was unable to run or exercise!

4. Shoes-I love shoes and seriously what girl doesn't? I prefer ballet flats but any cute shoes will do. I am like a kid in a candy store when I walk into a shoe store. I love walking around and looking at all the different types of shoes. A pair of cute shoes can make the whole outfit. Luckily, I can contain myself enough and not go crazy buying every shoe in the store but its good to drool isn't it?

5. Body lotion-For those of who don't know (I hide this pretty well), I am a pampering queen! I love scented body lotions and feel I never have enough. My favorite scents are light and fresh with a subtle scent. I have an entire vanity filled with scented body lotions (most are from Bath and Body Works). I usually get more at Christmas and my birthday every year and yet I never seem to have enough! Ashley knows me well and got me a basket full of Bath and Body Works lotion for Valentines Day and it was the best present I could have asked for, well besides chocolate of course!!

6. Pedicures-I love having my toenails painted. Actually, my toenails are typically painted all year long! My toenails are currently not painted because of my marathon training and this is the longest I have gone without pretty toenails. And I will let you in on another secret...I never go and get my toenails professionally done. I do all my pedicures myself and most are surprised to hear that because they are shiny and neat looking. What can I say-I have all the stuff at home!!!

7. My library card-I love reading and I feel lost if I am not reading a book. Thank goodness for my library card-I never run out of books to read! I always read for about 30-60 minutes before I fall asleep at night. I tend to get picked on for being in bed at 9:30 but I usually read until 10 or 10:30. Its my time to relax and drift off to another world!

8. Reality TV-I absolutely love watching reality TV. It can be any show like real World or Big Brother, as long as it is reality TV. Right now I am currently hooked on The Amazing Race, SURVIVOR, Frank the Entertainer in a Basement Affair and 16 and Pregnant. These shows gives me perspective on how others live their life.

9. True Crime Stories-I love reading or watching TV shows dealing with true crime. It saddens me to think bad things have happened to the people in these stories/TV shows but for some odd reason, it still intrigues me.

10. Taking pictures-I love taking pictures of just about anything. Its a good way to look back and remember different memories made with the people in your life throughout different times in your life :)

New beginnings

Yesterday was my final day of being nanny!!! The past 3 years of my life has consisted of taking care of other peoples' children and that is no longer true. As much as I loved being a nanny, it was my time to move on. I did go to grad school and now I finally get to use all that knowledge. I felt a relief when I walked out the door for the last time yesterday. Finally, I get to put my knowledge to work and help people-something I have always wanted to do and its my time to do it now!! Today I devoted my day to me and nothing else. I went for my run and enjoyed the fresh air. Then lucky me got to go to the DMV and get my license renewed. It wasn't that bad and I was only there for 45 minutes. Then I went shopping for me and it was soooo nice!! The family I worked for gave me a $100 gift card for NY and Company so I used it and got some nice clothes for my new job at Duke :) The rest of the day has been spent laying on the couch and I have loved every minute of it. The only think that would have made it better was getting a pedicure BUT since my feet are in rough shape from all this running, my pedicure is going to have to wait a month or so. All in all it has been a perfect 'ME' day! Here's the beginning of my new career!!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

I thought I would participate on Ten on Tuesday again this week, ENJOY! Thanks Melissa!

1. I am still bummed about my marathon being cancelled for a measly inch of snow. It had barely snowed when they cancelled it at 10:30 pm on Friday night. They could have at least waited to call it at 5 am on Saturday morning to actually see if it had snowed and stuck on the roads. They are talking about partial refunds for participants. We will see-they usually give no refunds under any circumstances.

2. The one upside of all this is there is a marathon in Raleigh on March 21st. The registration was full but my sister and I (and some of her friends) emailed them and they are going to let us register for their marathon. I am still waiting to hear about how to register.

3. It has been very hard mentally to get out there and continue running. Its going to be VERY difficult to have to go for long runs again. I have decided to backtrack and go back to week 15 of my training schedule. That means I get to run a 16, 18 and 20 mile run again....yippee.

4. I only have ONE MORE day after today (Thursday) of being a nanny!!! I am very excited!! Someone asked me today if its going to be sad leaving...the answer is no. I know that sounds bad but it is the truth. I am ready for this next step and it has been a long time coming. I prepared myself many months ago so I have already gotten over my sadness of leaving.

5. My bf, Ashley, is going on a ski trip to Salt Lake City. He leaves tomorrow and comes home late Sunday night. Its his yearly guys trip. I am glad he gets to go and I am especially glad that it is specifically a guys trip. I don't enjoy skiing so this is something he can do with the guys and doesn't have to worry about hurting my feelings! I will miss him but I know he will have a blast!!!!

6. I start my job at Duke Monday!!! Super excited and maybe a little nervous. Most importantly-I get to dress up for work again and interact with my peers. No more yelling at children who aren't mine!

7. The Amazing Race started on Sunday night. I have never watched it before but my fave couple from Big Brother 10-Jeff and Jordan- are on it and that is the only reason I am watching it this season.

8. I have been watching the Olympics and have been enjoying them. I watched Curling for the first time today-not very interesting to me but at least I know now what it is!

9. USA Hockey starts playing today at 3 pm. I am bummed I won't be able to watch it but good thing for DVR!!!

10. Today is my cat, Molly's 5th birthday. In cat years she is 40!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Major Dissappointment

My marathon in Myrtle Beach was CANCELLED because of....SNOW! Can you believe that Myrtle Beach got snow and of course it happened the same weekend as my marathon, ugh, just my luck!!!! As of Friday afternoon, it was delayed a half hour to start at 7 instead of 6:30. We were updated all day and told that a later start time than 7 am was being considered but by 10:30 pm, it was cancelled. And it was barely snowing by the. The city of MB was concerned for the runner's safety which I can completely understand but it was barely snowing then and it was 36 degrees. They could have waited until 5 am to make a decision and they would of saw wet roads at that time and barely of inch of snow on the ground. That was what pissed me off the most-they freaked out when they could have waited until morning to check to road conditions especially when the weather forecasters said the beach was not likely to get more than 2 inches of snow or stick to the roads. By noon it was sunny and 50 out. VERY FRUSTRATING!!!! My poor parents drive 26 hours through a snowstorm to get here and all for nothing.

I did sign up for the Wrightsville Beach Marathon on March 21st because I trained long and hard and I want to run my marathon!!! But I found out this morning that the American Tobacco Trail Marathon that is being held in Raleigh on March 21st has opened up more spots for the disappointed marathoners to register and run in. So I am waiting to hear from them. Either way, I am running in a marathon on March 21st! It had better not snow-I can't handle another disappointment.....! So another 5 weeks of training is in my future!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ten Things on Tuesday

I borrowed this 'Ten on Tuesday' idea from my friend Melissa. Just some things I've had going on and other random things on my mind this week!

1. This is the big week of my marathon. Has it hit me yet that I am actually running a marathon on Saturday? No, it hasn't hit me but I'm sure it will soon. I have been on edge all week, I'm nervous and afraid of letting my family and myself down. Physically, I know I can do it, mentally, not there yet, hopefully by 6:30 Saturday morning.

2. So because its marathon week, its also carb loading week. This sounds sad but I have been forcing myself to eat more carbs than normal. And all these extra carbs have made me feel yucky and bloated. I am only supposed to run to relieve stress and keep my muscles loose but the 3 miles each night is not taking the bloatedness away, blah!

3. This Northeast snow storm is wrecking havoc in my life. My parents were supposed fly in tomorrow night but Jet Blue called them last night and informed them that their flight out of JFK at 5:30pm was cancelled. They put them on the 9:25 am flight out of JFK in hopes of making it out before the storm, since its not supposed to get bad there until afternoon tomorrow. As of now, their flight is still on time. Please say your prayers, I really want my parents to see my sister and I accomplish this goal.

4. Today marks 4 months since my first date with Ashley. He is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time! I am so blessed to have him in my life :)

5. This marks my first Valentines Day spent with someone special in a very long time. Plans? Driving home from Myrtle Beach but no idea other than that. I know I will be sore from the marathon and hopefully not needing a wheelchair!!

6. I start my new job at Duke on February 22nd. I am very excited but nervous at the same time. I know I will succeed but its a new adventure and its scares me a little. BUT I am so thankful for this opportunity and once I get settled, it will all be worth it.

7. I can't wait until I am no longer a nanny!!! No longer explaining that I just finished grad school and have yet to find a job in my flied. Now I can just say, "I work as a Research Assistant at Duke!"

8. My last 5 days of being nanny consist of picking the kids up at 12, feeding them lunch, nap time and play time. How easy is that?? Of course, I am probably jinxing myself.

9. Everything in my life has been going really well and I am very gracious to God for that but I am also afraid that something might go wrong. I just pray everyday for my continued blessings and I have faith that everything will continue going well because this is part of God's path for me.

10. 3 months from today, I will officially be 30!! I am looking forward to it and I can't wait to celebrate with my family and friends!

Friday, February 5, 2010

11 months

Its hard to believe that it has been 11 months since I lost my best friend, Chris :( So much has happened in the past year and I often wonder if he has had a 'hand' in some of this. Ashley came into my life right when I needed someone the most and I had been at my wit's end job wise and all of a sudden, this Duke job came up and everything seemed to fall right into place. I believe in my heart that everything happens for a reason and I am believe more and more everyday that Chris sent Ashley to me. Chris knew more than anyone all the crap I have dealt with in the relationship department.

I think of Chris everyday. I have pictures of him up around my house just so I can see at his smiling face everyday. I no longer cry when I see his face, I feel at peace, finally. I know he is my guardian angel. I still can't erase his number out of my cell phone, though...maybe sometime soon. The next month is going to be extremely hard for me, but I have a great new job to look forward to and I know I can get through this. Chris, you may be gone but you will never be forgotten.

Lots going on!!

Lots is going on:) Where do I start? Raleigh was under a Winter Storm Warning last weekend. They initially called for up to a foot of snow but we ended up with about 5 inches of snow with some sleet/ice mixed in. Ashley came over Friday night to get snowed in with me and it was great! He brought his lab, Staalzy and we just relaxed all weekend. We went for a short walk on Saturday but it was cold and windy so that was cut short. We sat in front of the fire and played games and snacked. It was a great weekend :)

I received my official offer from Duke on Wednesday and I start on February 22nd. SO instead of being done with work on February 11th, I am working until the 19th instead. But I have the 11th, 12th and 17th off and the rest of time is only in the afternoon so I will have the mornings to get stuff done. I really didn't want to work until the 19th but the way the pay cycle goes, I won't get my first Duke paycheck until March 12th so I needed to work the extra week, bummer but the 19th will be here before I know it!!!

My marathon is next week (picture me freaking out as I type this!!!!)!!!!! I don't feel as prepared as I would like and I that is partly due to me missing my 12 mile run last weekend because it snowed last Friday and I wasn't able to run until Wednesday because I had to wait for all the snow to melt off the sidewalks (for those NY'ers, no one shovels their sidewalks, they wait for it to melt, which in this case took 5 days!!!!). I plan to run 12 miles on Sunday and then 3 on Monday, and 2 on Tuesday and then REST until the marathon. I am sure I will take some walks though, I have a hard time not working out..!!!

I had a 'Bessie' checkup yesterday. I saw a new gynecologist and we talked about Bessie and I will go in for an ultrasound on Feb. 17th to see where Bessie stands. I start a new birth control at the end of the month and I go back in May for a follow-up and another ultrasound. Hopefully this new pill will help and Bessie will go away...for good...I can't take this much longer....