Friday, January 29, 2010

Random Survey

Since I don't have much to talk about, I got this survey from a friend of a friend's blog who I enjoy reading!

Outside My Window
Since I work as a nanny (until February 10th!), I am always able to see outside. I am not sure if I will have a window in my office at Duke but if I don't that's okay.

I Am Thinking
I hope Ashley will bring his dog Staalzy over tonight so we can get snowed in together!!!

I Am Thankful For
a new job, my friends and family, Ashley and so much more

From The Kitchen
I ate leftover meatloaf, roasted red potatoes and asparagus from dinner on Wednesday. I stocked up for the snow storm here and got stuff to make homemade mac and cheese, chili and homemade pizza! Definitely won't starve if we get snowed in!!

I Am Wearing
A purple fleece top and jeans, nothing too exciting. Can't wait to actually wear nice clothes to work!!

I Am Creating
my career in the Health field and it will all start at Duke!

A Few Plans for the Rest of the Week
Tonight = chilling out, maybe some cooking and hopefully some snugglin with Ashley :)
Saturday = playing in the snow, taking a walk to Lake Johnson to take snow pictures!
Sunday = depends on how much snow we get on Saturday! Hopefully, I am able to go to church and for my 12 mile run!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

February 10th....

will be my LAST day of being a nanny! I FINALLY got a job in my field!!!!! I am super excited! I was offered the Research Assistant position at Duke University Medical Center this morning!!! I have been interviewing for this position since Dec. 18th and have gone in 2x since then for interviews. I feel relieved, excited, nervous, scared and many other emotions right now but I know its finally my time to start my career and live up to my full potential. I have been ready since graduation last May to work in my field but with the economy the way it has been, it has been very hard to find a job. I have been very patient but these past few weeks have been very difficult. Not knowing if I was even in contention for the job was nerve racking but I also kept thinking "what if...I don't get the job...". No other jobs had been coming up and I felt that if I didn't' get the job, my patience with the kiddos was already wearing thin, not getting the job would clearly make me lose my mind. But everything worked out the way it was supposed to, thank goodness. I finally feel as though my life is on track; I have awesome friends and family, a great guy and now a job doing what I have always wanted to do; helping others become healthy.....Thank you God for your many blessings, I am truly blessed.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

She's back.....!

Bessie is back!!!! And this time, she brought a friend!! I really thought that she was gone for good. Last January I had an ultrasound and she has gone from 5 cm to 1/2 cm and I had no more symptoms again until this past Thursday. Of course this time around, it happened a lot differently! As I do every Thursday morning, I take the little girl I nanny for to the mall to meet my friend Liza (and sometimes Melissa) and her 2 kiddos to walk, play and eat lunch. The morning started out fine but then I took Claire potty after lunch and all of a sudden, I felt dizzy. I thought at first it was because I was bending over helping her and I came up too quickly. But it kept getting worse as we walked to leave. By the time we got to the car, I felt nauseous and like I was going to pass out and then the pain started. I told Liza and she quickly took my phone and started making phone calls. She even called 911! An ambulance came and took me to Rex. My sister and Ashley both met me there. They sat with me all day while I was hooked up to an IV, had my blood drawn and had a Cat Scan. I was in so much pain especially around my belly button. I really thought it was appendicitis but the Cat Scan showed fluid in my pelvis which signifies a ruptured ovarian cyst and low and behold it also showered 2 more cysts, one on each ovary! The have no idea how many ruptured that day but boy was it painful. I had no warning to this like I have had in the past. Before I had cramping, spotting and nausea and this time around, just pain by my belly button. So I called my regular doctor and I am waiting to see what she wants to do. I am sick of this happening every year or so, go away already!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

What was I thinking?!?!

As most of you know, I have been spending the last 16 weeks training for the Bi-Lo Marathon in Myrtle Beach, SC which takes place on February 13, 2010. Yes, that is only a month away! I am FREAKING OUT! Where did I get this crazy idea to run a marathon by the time I turn 30?? I am having serious second thoughts about this but I realize that there is NO turning back now. I ran 16 miles yesterday and it was rough. I kept hitting a wall every mile or 2 once I hit the 8 mile mark. I finally started feeling better at mile 13 and then by mile 14, my feet, legs, lower back started aching.....I stopped quickly to adjust my fuel belt and to start running again KILLED me. I was so stiff and I only stopped for no more than a minute!!! I was in tears when I finished and I seriously don't know how I am going to run 18 or 20 miles for my next 2 long runs. I am going to have a serious talk with myself before and really prepare mentally, otherwise I may never make it. The good news is I only have 2 LONG runs left before the marathon. Everyone keeps telling me the training is harder on you mentally than the actual marathon. I sure hope they are right....One thing is for sure though, this will be my FIRST and LAST marathon ever!! However, I do see many half marathons in my future...:)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Update from earlier post

They have 10 days to decide if Claire will go to Montessori, if I don't get the job, they will not be sending her until Fall and no matter what, my hours will not be cut :)


Wow, I have blogged 2x this week already! What a great way to start the new year! But don't get used to it, it more than likely will not last!! HAHA!! So this week has been up and down for me. I had a job interview at Duke yesterday for a research assistant position. I feel it went well. I had a phone interview the week before Christmas and it went so well that within 30 minutes of ending the phone call, they had already emailed me and asked me to come in for a face to face interview. It was really intense yesterday as I met with 3 different people. I of course answered the questions to the best of my ability and stressed that I am a fast learner and can do anything I put my mind too. I then emailed my thank you's to each person I interviewed with. The girl who I interviewed with on the phone immediately responded to my thank you email yesterday and told me that she felt I would be a significant impact to their division and she would hopefully have more information how how they planned to proceed with me next week. I feel semi-positive about this but I do not want to get my hopes up, just for them to be knocked down :( During my phone interview, she also told me that I was what they were looking for and she felt I would be great in a Coordinator position someday! So please pray for me. The downer with all this is the family I nanny for has decided to put their 2 year old in Montessori since they think it could be possible I only have a few weeks left BUT she needs to be put in next week or she loses her spot so her parents are unsure what to do. They did tell me if I get the job, then my last 2 weeks my hours would be 11:30-5:30 but with my full salary, but they cannot pay me my full salary for an extended period of time. If I do not get the job, my hours will be cut and I will only get paid for 30 hours/week rather than my full salary, something I can not live on. They also told me I could work 11:30-8 but that would not work well for me. I would not be able to have a social life at all during the week and honestly, I have worked those hours before and it did NOT work for me at all. So my ideal situation would be for me to get the job at Duke and work my last few weeks with full salary but reduced hours. I know God has a plan for me and I keep praying that this Duke job is part of His plan. I do not like feeling uncertain about my job security, especially in this economy.

Please continue to pray for me that things work out for me. 2010 is supposed to be a good year but its not starting off in the best of circumstances. But everything happens for a reason and things always have a way of falling into place....

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy 2010

I'm back! Happy New Year!!! I have faith in God and myself that 2010 is going to be an awesome year!!! 2009 was definitely full of a few ups (internship, graduating with my Master's) and many downs (losing 3 family members and a best friend, lack of job prospects and many more). But this year is already looking promising- a job interview on the horizon, a marathon to be run, a special someone in my life and of course my BIG 30th BIRTHDAY!!!! Looking back, it is hard to believe that 10 years ago I was getting ready to turn 20 and never in a million years would I have thought I would be where I am today. I have accomplished so much but I still have a lifetime ahead of me and I am looking forward to my 30's!! HAPPY 2010!!!! I wish everyone a year filled with joy, hope, health and happiness.