Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

Random Thoughts

1. I have been in the worst mood for the past few days. And I don't know why either....

2. There was a black cat wandering around work yesterday. I saw him cross the street and thought I would never see him again.

3. This morning, a colleague came in and asked if I saw the black cat against the curb near my car. I said no. Well, the cat was up against the curb in a big mud puddle, barely moving his head and paws. I called Animal Control and they came to pick him up. I checked on him right after Animal Control called to tell me they were on their way and he was struggling to breathe but he as alive. Unfortunately by the time Animal Control arrived, he had died :(

4. The Carolina Hurricanes have their first home game tomorrow night!! Ashley and I are going and I can't wait! Hopefully, it will help me get out of this mood I am in.

5. Since the weather has been cooler in NC, I have been running on a regular basis again!

6. My company sponsored a 5K on Saturday and Ashley and I participated. I am happy to say that I ran my best time ever!!! I finished in exactly 30 minutes with a 9:40 pace and overall, 8th in my age division!! Now I am motivated top break that 30 minute mark!!

7. I have no plans to run a marathon ever again!

8. I might consider a half though sometime in the future.

9. I have been done at Duke for a month, but I still get sporadic emails from people who need my help on something.

10. I LOVE my new job and I know I made the right decision leaving Duke!! :)