Saturday, March 27, 2010

5 hours=26.2!

Wow, it still hasn't 'hit' me that I actually ran a marathon! But my body knows I did! It was definitely the hardest thing I have ever set out to do. Working full time and going to grad school was a piece of cake compared to this! Not only was it time consuming but super rough on my body! Kudos to those who do it all the time but my body couldn't handle it! Overall, it was a good experience but never one I want to experience again. Standing at the start line was exciting but also nerve racking too! I couldn't wrap it around in my mind that I was actually getting ready to run 26.2 miles! And yes I teared up a little before that gun went off! I honestly felt awesome until about mile 14 and then I went downhill from there. My feet were starting to ache and my legs were definitely getting tired. But I knew I had to go on. By the time I got to mile 16 and saw my dad, mom and Ashley waiting for me, I knew that I could do this. They kept me going the entire time. Every time Ashley saw me he got right next to me and told I could do this and he was proud of me. That was motivation enough to keep going. Once I got to mile 20, I started feeling better and kept thinking only 6.2 to go-which seems like nothing after you have run 20! Then I got to mile 23 and it was uphill and windy-not a good combination for tired legs! I was so happy to see my friends Meda and Susan at mile 24-they were cheering me on and I knew I was almost done. Ashley was waiting for me at mile 24.5 and he was sweet to run the last 1.5 with me. He is the one who kept me going the last few miles, if it wasn't for him, the last mile would have been MUCH harder! Little did I know that when he saw me struggling at mile 16-he told my parents that he could see I was struggling and he said he was going to meet me at mile 25 to run with me to get me through this, isn't he the best? I sure think so!! I have never been so relieved to see the finish line and then the adrenaline kicked in. We got to the last .2 and Ashley left me and I crossed the finish line with my arms high! I have never been so excited to be done with something :)

I crossed the finish line and instantly the pain and stiffness started. I just wanted to sit down but I knew it was better for me to keep moving. Ashley brought me home and I took an ice bath which helped immensely and then I slept for 3 hours! When I woke up, my feet were so swollen! Ashley took such good care of me too! He massaged my legs for me and even picked me up dinner and socks to help with the swelling! Monday was a whole different story-I have never been so sore and exhausted in my life. I slept a total of 14 hours after the marathon and when I woke up on Monday morning, I felt as though I hadn't slept at all! I went for a walk on Monday afternoon and it took me over an hour to walk 3 miles! It was so painful and stairs and walking downhill was nearly impossible! My feet were so swollen that I had to wear flip flops to work all week! I was able to move much better on Tuesday and the swelling finally went down yesterday!! I can finally wear normal shows again! I still can't run though, I attempted to yesterday and my legs just wouldn't do it, hopefully next week!

Crossing the finish line :)

me with my medal!
Trish and I


Michelle A'etonu said...

i knew you could do it Sara! great job!

Melissa said...

So happy for you that you finished strong, Sara!! I love the picture of you crossing the finish line! Wish I could have been there but I was thinking of you all that morning!